A primary school of 300 children may have as many as three transgendered children on roll – although they may not be “out”. A large secondary even more. Others will have a transgendered parent or close relative.

How many trans people are there in the country?
About 1 per cent of the UK population is transgendered; roughly the population of Sheffield and this is continuing to grow

What exactly is meant by Anti-Discrimination Legislation?
Governing bodies need to ensure that personnel practices in their school take full account of these new legal requirements, alongside their established arrangements for promoting diversity and avoiding discrimination on grounds of sex, race or disability. Extract from Acas guidance These Regulations apply to all employment and vocational training and include recruitment, terms and conditions, […]

When discussing LGB topics, what if I am quizzed about my own sexual orientation?
“Are you a lesbian, Miss?” “Are you gay, Sir?” If you are ‘out’ and wish to affirm this, then do so. Children need positive LGBT role models in their lives. If you are not lesbian or gay or you are not ‘out’ and you do not wish to share that information it is better to […]

How do I react when I hear homophobic language?
From students and staff Use of the word ‘gay’ to describe a person, event or object they don’t like or is in their minds dysfunctional, is homophobic, it can fuel prejudice and needs challenging. When we don’t challenge it, we usualise (see Keywords) homophobia and send an unspoken message that condones such language. Timing is […]
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