Basically whatever you want, in that if you want that kept confidential it should be. If you are informing them that you have a gender certificate then it is illegal for them to divulge that to any one. You may be telling them in order for them to be aware that your children could be […]

There are people in our school who justify their homophobia because of their faith. Somtimes they don’t even realise that what they are saying is hurtfull. What can we do? Does the law prioritise faith or sexual orientation?
The issue here is not what people believe’ they have a right to their belief but what they do. If you try to change the way your colleagues think, you will always be frustrated. Far better to highlight their behaviour is not acceptable. Aside from simply being mean, destructive and cruel, it is now illegal […]

I’m a teacher who identifies as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual. Can I be ‘out’ to pupils?
Yes. Being LGB is a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act and for many people will form part of their cultural and social identity. The law makes it clear that you cannot be discriminated against as a member of a protected strand. Many schools encourage teachers to be role models by celebrating their […]

What do I do if a young person comes out to me as Lesbian Gay or Bisexual?
Your first words to them and your body language need to be supportive. Thanking them for telling you and asking them if they need anything from the school will be useful. Having knowledge about local groups will be useful and websites that you trust might also be appropriate. However you will need to judge each […]

If we do not have any young people from the LGB community why do we have to do this ?
Tackling prejudice and stereotypes is the school’s job regardless as to whether members of the group are in the school. The Public Duty of the Equality Act also requires the school to do the work. It is likely however, that though the young people are not identifying as members of the LGB community, there will […]
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