Since the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry(1999), the UK criminal justice system has led the way on dealing with all forms of hate crime. Much of what we call bullying in school would be defined by the police as a hate incident or hate crime. The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) defines a hate incident as: […]

What do we do about transphobic bullying?
Treat at it like all forms of bullying. Educate on the issues, make sure you are not just teaching the binary construct of gender. Explore gender roles and challenge gender stereotypes. Usualise ! Know and teach the difference between transgendered and transsexual children. Both may feel trapped in the wrong body, but the vast majority […]

What is the effect of transphobia?
A quarter of transgendered children have attempted suicide, and a further 25 per cent have considered suicide. The following is from Engendered Penalties 73% of respondents experienced harassment 47% of trans people do not use public social leisure facilities for fear of discriminatory treatment 64% of young trans men 44% of young trans women experience […]

How do I react when I hear homophobic language?
From students and staff Use of the word ‘gay’ to describe a person, event or object they don’t like or is in their minds dysfunctional, is homophobic, it can fuel prejudice and needs challenging. When we don’t challenge it, we usualise (see Keywords) homophobia and send an unspoken message that condones such language. Timing is […]
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