I&DeA 2007: Sexuality – The New Agenda (Guide for LEAs)

A  guide for local authorities on engaging with lesbian, gay and bisexual communities originally published in 2003, and then again in 2007.
The guide does not aim to deal with transsexual/transgender communities, for
whom there are separate legal arrangements1. However, it is recognised that
some local authorities have chosen to adopt policies that are inclusive of lesbian,gay, bisexual and trans2 (LGBT) communities and that some voluntary groups have adopted a similar approach. Some of the examples of local authority experiences therefore refer to such policies and groups.

This Improvement & Development Agency’s (I&DeA) publication aims to cover:

  • service delivery and customer care
  • community development and involvement
  • local authority employees
  • monitoring and evaluation.

revised April 2007.  Open the pdf attachment in browser


Sexuality – The New Agenda, 2007