Frida Kahlo is regarded as one of the most significant artists of the twentieth century. Through the representation of her body she explored aspects of her autobiography, the construction of identity, female experience, gender boundaries and subverted stereotypical representations of women and their bodies in art. This lesson asks the learner to consider her body […]

KS4: Art – ‘Gilbert and George Light Headed’
This lesson provides learners an opportunity to study the work of gay artists Gilbert and George. It will require them to produce a piece of drawing in the style of Gilbert and George

KS3: Art – ‘Keith Haring’
The differentiated objectives for this lesson were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum programme of study and attainment targets for Art at Key Stage 3. In this lesson, learners will gain knowledge and insight into the life and work of the artist Keith Haring and begin to learn how to use paper to create […]

KS2: Art – ‘Keith Haring’
The differentiated objectives for this lesson, were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum attainment targets for Art at Key Stage 2. In keeping with the style of Keith Haring’s work, this is a dynamic lesson which starts by asking the children to explore the movement and energy in Haring’s work physically. By creating his […]

KS3: Art – ‘Grayson Perry’
The differentiated objectives for this lesson were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum attainment targets for Art at Key Stage 3. Turner Prize winner Grayson Perry makes ceramic pots, prints, hand-stitched quilts, and outrageous dress designs. He is best known for his pots. He says, ‘I like my ceramics because they’re wobbly and hand-made […]
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