This PSHE lesson is the first of 10 at KS3 designed to eradicate Homophobic, Biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying. It sets out the terms used to describe sexual orientation and gender variance and explains why there are so many. It also uncouples sexual orientation and gender variance, reminding pupils that the two are not the […]

PSHE – Alphabet Soup

PSHE – I’ve Always Wanted to Know…
This is the 2nd lesson in the PSHE series designed to eradicate homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying in schools. Following up on the terminology given learned in lesson 1, this uses a FAQs format and an answer sheet to discuss terms and demonstrate how some terms are unacceptable and change over time. It also […]

SRE: What can SRE do for us?
Peter Tatchell explains why he thinks Sex and Relationships Education and lessons in Equality and Diversity are essential subjects in school. And Sally Carr, Operations Director at The Proud Trust (formerly LGBT Youth North West) describes how she recognised her sexual and emotional identity when she was 21. This lesson usualises and actualises LGB people. […]

SRE: Relationships
In this lesson Peter Tatchell sets out his vision for a school system that truly values equality and diversity. The idea of Gay-Straight Alliances is looked at. It also explores the story of how a gay couple, John and Corral, met in the 1970s. This lesson usualises and actualises LGB people. Learning Objectives: LO1 See […]

PHSE: Visibility
Peter Bradley, former teacher and member of The Gay Teachers Group (forerunner of Schools OUT UK) speaks candidly about growing up as gay, coming out and the consequences of being outed. Together with Peter Cookson, Liam Mason and Gilston this lesson gives a great cross-generational view of living as ‘OUT’ LGB and T people. This […]
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