At what age should ‘usualising’ start?

ActualisingIt is a method best used in primary or early years, especially as language and concept are not developed enough to go into the details of sexual orientation and gender identity.  Essential ‘usualising’ can occur at any point. It is to be used to prepapre children for the detailed learning when a subject is ‘actualised’ e.g.describe/analysed. ‘Usualising’ is also based on thae idea that before we can deconstruct something effectively and rationally, the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’ of a subject, our learners must be acclimatised to the existence of the subject.  It is perhaps why the ‘gay’ lesson could often be problematic.  As an isolated lesson or two on  LGBT, children were expected to accept the acceptability of same-sex relationships, before they fully accepted LGBT people as meaningful and not ‘mythical’ (on the periphery of their experience to such an extent as to be rendered invisible). Pupils with little experience or knowledge of LGBT people found the sudden appearance of LGBT lives in the classroom incredibly disorientating, and this often manifested in challenging behaviour (fear, frustration, distraction) which made some teachers even more wary of tackling the issues.