Lesbian and Gay Foundation


This a journalistic media site, that presents a mixture of LGBT friendly news, articles, opinions and discussion forums. Content would allow for supervised access at KS3 and 4. Some content is of a sexual nature and would need to be careful considered before any use.

For a detailed analysis of this site,  its functionality and usefulness please see our grading table with notes below.



Web Address: www.lgf.org.uk Absolutely true Almost true Somewhat true Not really Not at all
Use of Site
No expertise in LGB T issues needed √1
LGBT inclusive √2
Other equalities strands
Authoritative √3
Comprehensive √4
User friendly/easy to navigate √6
Accessible at any level
Useful links to other sites √7
Education Materials
Teaching Materials
Lesson Plans
Materials easy to use
Follow up opportunities
Clear time frames
Good one-offs
Cross-curricular opportunities


  1. None needed as the journalistic style is self explanatory.
  2. Good coverage of L G and B. T threads are harder to find.
  3. This website is a dynamic one that is constantly being updated
  4. News feed are clear and appear authoritative. Opinion and article section must be considered on their own merit. Good sections on Wellbeing, Bullying and HIV information.
  5. An informative site that is easy to navigate. Good use of bright and positive LGBT images.
  6. Large clear tabs, makes this simple and straightforward to navigate.
  7. Not a single links listing, you need to look, section by section.