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Science: The Gender Question (KS3)

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KS5: Science – ‘Ethics and Impact of Scientific Research’

This lesson offers an opportunity for students to consider how scientific discoveries can impact minority groups.. It can also be used to develop an understanding of genetics and that variation is both acceptable and influenced by a variety of factors. On a very basic level it asks students to consider ethics and the impact of […]

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OUT in school

The ‘Gay’ Gene

Questions you can ask pupils on the subject of genetics and sexual orientation, that will give you ideas for further activities. This  was part of the Terrance Higgin’s Trust 2009 resource ‘Out in School’ which you can download here. Science LGB Gene (THT)

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ict keyboard

KS3: ICT – ‘Creating Digital Posters’

The lesson explores the theme of homophobia by asking learners to design anti-homophobia posters using skills in Microsoft Publisher. The differentiated objectives for this lesson were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum attainment targets for ICT at Key Stage 2. The lesson will enable students to use Publisher to present information, with more able […]

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KS2: Science – ‘Animal Dads’

The differentiated objectives for this lesson were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum attainment targets for Science at Key Stage 2. A lesson examining the many species in the animal kingdom in which the male is the primary caregiver.  Pupils learn how the male seahorse gives birth to the young, (with  link to a […]

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