Really useful website containing lesson plans, research and a toolkit that enables teachers to deal with homophobic bullying. The toolkit has been developed by LGBT Youth Scotland, the national youth organisation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people in partnership with LTS and funded by the Scottish Government. It is based on research with teachers, […]

LGBT History Month Toolkit – primary
This toolkit provides detailed information on how to celebrate LGBT History Month in a primary school. To download the toolkit as well as further examples for celebrating the month in your school, please visit this page on the LGBT History Month website.

Gay Heroes
Gay Heroes This website is a great resource for adults and children that looks at LGB heros in history. Fun and interactive, would make great further learning for history lessons, and provides a useful resource when planning assemblies. For a detailed analysis of this site, its functionality and usefulness please see our grading table with […]

KS3: Art – ‘Grayson Perry’
The differentiated objectives for this lesson were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum attainment targets for Art at Key Stage 3. Turner Prize winner Grayson Perry makes ceramic pots, prints, hand-stitched quilts, and outrageous dress designs. He is best known for his pots. He says, ‘I like my ceramics because they’re wobbly and hand-made […]
Project Triangle
Project Triangle “is Homotopia’s arts led youth and education strand. We work all year round developing projects and resources which promote equality and diversity, improve social cohesion and challenge hatred and Hate Crime. Our work is devised by and with young LGB and T people and any other young people who identify as different or […]
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KS4 – PSHE Omar: Young, Gifted and Gay 2 Part 1
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