This lesson follows on from the previous lesson and shows the fim that we were building towards in part 1. It’s about challenging norms and stereotypes, particularly around gender, particularly with regard to the negative, prejudiced and anti-social behaviours to which they lead. The purpose is to help pupils understand how breaking away from peer-led […]

KS4 – PSHE – Omar: Young, Gifted and Gay 2 Part 2

KS5: Music – ‘The Trouser Role’
‘The trouser role’ or ‘Breeches role’ is a role in which an actress appears in male clothing (breeches being tight-fitting knee-length pants, the standard male garment in the classical era when breeches roles were introduced). In opera it can also refer to any male character that is sung and acted by a female singer. Most […]

KS1: PSHE – ‘Different People Different Talents’
(There are no attainment targets for KS1 PSHE. We have used the end of key stage PSHE statement to guide the objectives) More info on how we set objectives see The VisiAble Method. Learners are taught to celebrate the difference in people by recognizing the different qualities that each person has. Gender identity and gender […]

KS2: Science – ‘Animal Dads’
The differentiated objectives for this lesson were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum attainment targets for Science at Key Stage 2. A lesson examining the many species in the animal kingdom in which the male is the primary caregiver. Pupils learn how the male seahorse gives birth to the young, (with link to a […]
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