This lesson is about intersectionality and, although it doesn’t use the term it could be taught to pupils with a high vocabulary. It uses Labi Siffre’s Something Inside and Claude Mackay’s If We Must Die to examine homophobia and biphobia as well as racism in two different eras from our own.

KS2-PSHE-Young, Gifted and Gay

KS2-PSHE Internalised Discrimination 1
This lesson, based on a song by Sam Smith about unrequited love, is part of two lessons based on pressure to conform to sex and gender stereotypes. The song’s lyrics describe how a man cannot declare his true feelings for his friend and the lesson activities are designed to explore his fears and where those […]

KS2 Design and Technology – Logos and Badges
lesson is designed to help pupils think about logos and badges in terms of how they establish identities. The idea is to step back from the identification of a logo with a product and to think about their function in terms of allegiances and cultural identity. In particular, it looks at logos and badges that […]

KS2: Art – ‘Keith Haring’
The differentiated objectives for this lesson, were devised by using the 2011 National Curriculum attainment targets for Art at Key Stage 2. In keeping with the style of Keith Haring’s work, this is a dynamic lesson which starts by asking the children to explore the movement and energy in Haring’s work physically. By creating his […]

SEN: Geography – ‘Flags’
In this lesson for learners with SEN, we look at the many different types of flags around the world. Learners understand that flags do not just represent countries but also communities and organisations. Learners explore 3 individual flags (union jack, rainbow flag, and the Olympic flag) and present their findings according to ability back to […]
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KS4 – PSHE Omar: Young, Gifted and Gay 2 Part 1
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